Matt Archbold

Matt Archbold

Last magic board you rode?

My 6'3 Timmy Patterson pintail.

Favourite surf trip destination?

Any boat trip, I love boat trips. Warm water, 6 to 8 foot rippable barrels.

Best gas station snack?

Gummy worms and a cup of coffee.

Favourite album right now?

David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust.

Dawn patrol or evening glass off?

Hard one... dawn patrol.

If you could only surf one spot the rest of your life where would it be?

Off The Wall, it's everything I love. Barrels, roundhouse cutbacks, hit the lip, do airs, even go over the falls if you aren't careful!

If you're a fan of Archy's surfing, get his all-around fin set